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Performing @ Level 10

What level do you perform at on a daily basis?
Athletes in particular are asked this many times daily.
Ask yourself … On a scale of 1 to 10, one being the lowest level of satisfaction
and enjoyment and ten being the best you can be, what level are you at for
Health and fitness
Goal setting and goal getting
Educational levels
Financial comfort
Relationships with your family
Spiritual fulfilment and needs
Ability to overcome your fears
And many more.
Big questions that need to be addressed in order for you to grow and gain deeper satisfaction in all you do.
We all need to evaluate and re-evaluate our performances on a regular basis for us to gain continual improvement.
When we do score ourselves and find that we have done less than a level 10 performance, it is time to ask ourselves… If I had to do all of that over again, what would I do differently?

In this way, we can be constantly moving forward with better results, self-discovery and more valuable achievements There is a wonderful feeling of self-achievement, transformation and elation when you are able to give yourself a score of level 10 or receive it from someone else in your circle of influence This concept of living at level 10, once it gets hold of you, delivers you results that you never thought possible because you had accepted scores of six or seven or eight in your activities previously. Those that make the effort in living at level 10 automatically join the winners
circle and really do see the world from a different pair of eyes.

“You see things ; and you say WHY?
But I dream things that never were: and say, WHY NOT?”
George Bernard Shaw

About The Sales Doctor… David Jackson CSP

David is internationally known as “THE SALES DOCTOR” for his Vitamins for Success and prescriptions for uplifting Profits. He has over 30 years of experience as an internationally recognized Sales Skills and Communication Coach including Inspirational Keynote Public Speaker. David brings the ability to positively transform the skills and attitudes of his audiences with humor and real-world experiences. He will lift you and your team to a new level. Follow David on and don’t forget to register for your complementary eBook … CLOSING SALES MEGA – BOOK.

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