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Closing with Combinations

“No single close will ever gain you a sale; you must know a series of closes to complete the sale. It normally takes between five and eight closes to reach sale’s success” …so says J. Douglas Edwards, the Godfather of modern-day Sales Training and Techniques. A technique that all sales professionals use is called Closing with combinations in order to embrace this concept you must know, word for word at least 15 to 20 different and effective closing skills. It is critical that you learn your lines.


It’s all about multiple closing. Every potential client has a right, even an obligation to say no at some point in the sales process. They say no until they
have accepted multiple reinforcement of reasons to say YES. Multiple closing is nothing other than multiple reinforcement of the YES decision.
Download free copy “Closing Sales Mega – Book … Top 20+Closing Techniques revealed” at: The professional salesperson learns his / her lines and bounces from one close to another until them receive the sales winning YES.


One of the things you have to understand about closing skills is this. In most of the techniques, it’s necessary that you memorise a lot of words, because they encompass a lot of words. All of those words are there only to create an emotional climate that will lead to a YES. But if you don’t create the emotional climate first, and if you don’t create the positive emotional climate, you won’t get a YES. So that’s why in a lot of cases, there are a lot of words that you have to learn, practice and memorise…. make them yours…. Internalise them. Top sales professionals learn their lines….their use of proven and effective closing skills are all reflex actions. For a moment, picture a professional heavy weight boxer, a prize fighter. Very seldom do these boxers win with just one punch…… They use a number of practised and rehearsed combinations of punches in order to win the fight. Just like the prize fighter, we must use a combination of different closing skills and techniques in order to win our customers business.


Before attempting to close the sale, you must make sure that you have qualified the customer completely and correctly, because the process of
qualification leads you to an understanding of what it is that they’ll say YES to. You really should only start closing when you have defined and know what it is that they want.
How do you know when they’re ready to say yes? There are a number of verbal and non-verbal clues including the customer asking specific questions about the product or service, moving closer towards you physically or touching the product, a change in mood to a far more positive
happy mood and them giving to you a number of sales objections. Remember, objections are buying signals.


Instead of just telling your prospect about how good your product or service is, give them proof. A video testimonial or written testimonials are fabulous proof to use when closing the sale. The use of an evidence manual or the use of the 10 best reasons to buy from me and/or my company are also invaluable assets of the truly professional salesperson.


As we all agree, the gaining of the sale comes down to your skills in closing. The more skills you know and memories, the more sales you will make
J Douglas Edwards suggests” if you want to be great, memorise one close a week verbatim for a year. If you are willing to pay the price tag, by the end of the year you will be on your way to becoming a great professional salesperson.”
For more on J Douglas Edwards, go to … download Special Offer.
“Power comes from knowing how to do something. People with power are people who know how to get things done. Sometimes knowing how to get
something is virtually the same as having it done. So when we educate ourselves, we build power to accomplish our goals.

” Quote from “The Best of Success” by Wynn Davis

About “The Sales Doctor” … David Jackson

David is internationally known as “THE SALES DOCTOR” for his Vitamins for Success and prescriptions for uplifting Sales results and Profits. He has over 30 years of experience as an internationally recognized Sales Skills and Communication Coach including inspirational Keynote Public Speaker. David brings the ability to positively transform the skills and attitudes of his audiences with humor, real world experiences and easily applied powerful “How To’s”. He will elevate you and your team to a new level. Follow David on and don’t forget to register for your complimentary self-development eBook…CLOSING SALES MEGA – BOOK

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